Shropshire+ | No place for BHS in Telford's bright future

No date has yet been given for Shropshire's BHS store in Telford to close. But there appears no going back. While some will close their doors this … | more…

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Shropshire+ | Samaritans Awareness Day – The importance of listening

Enable. 01743 276900. 01743 255972. Enable. Shropshire Council. Ptarmigan. Sitka Drive. Shrewsbury Business Park. | more…–gIHxheu6M01bnFdoZh36y_A

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Shropshire+ | Tax rise referendum debate is ruled out by Shropshire Council

Speaking at the meeting held at Shirehall, he said some constituents had called for a referendum to pay more for the Shropshire Council portion of … | more…

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Bridgnorth + | Bridgnorth road closed by water mains burst collapse

A Bridgnorth road was blocked both in directions today following a water mains burst caused area of the carriageway to break down. The scene of the … |

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